Black Women

Watch Your Words

About 2% of women businesses in the U.S. break the $1 million in sales threshold.

To help help you pursue this goal, here’s a key tip. 

Watch your words. Speak words that support you where you want to go in your business. Release yourself from mental shackles and self-created roadblocks.


Watch your words:  Speak words that support where you want to go.  Release yourself from the mental shackles and self-created roadblocks by punting these 4 words from your vocabulary, hearts and mind as it relates to going after your business dream and goals.

·        Don’t

·        Can’t

·        Not

·        Won’t

The above four words are show-stoppers, kill your creativity, and cause you to struggle --- a lot.

Replace these four negative words and use instead in your thinking and speaking with the following words.

·        Can

·        Will

·        Possible

·        Done

Using can, will, possible and done frees your mind, body and soul to think clear, see ideas and to move forward.

That’s it for now.  See you again soon as I continue sharing information on how you can  achieve business success.